Keith Hungate
Played violin in the Changuitos from 1964 to 1968; was the initial violinist in the group (the only teenage violinist that Father Rourke knew).
Graduated from Salpointe High School in 1968; attended Wichita State University on a violin scholarship. Transferred to Kansas State University my junior year on a baseball scholarship. Finished with a bachelor’s degree in psychology with minors in Math, Music, and Science.
Taught high school Algebra, Geometry, and Biology for 3 years; assistant coach in basketball and baseball. Went back to school at the University of Arizona to get a master’s degree in industrial engineering.
In early 1978 went to work for Texas Instruments in Dallas to work as a Project Engineer in the defense industry. Moved in April 1979 to Marion, VA to work with Brunswick Defense. In 1983, Hungate Business Services began and it 1985 I left Brunswick and worked at HBS full-time. Have resided in Marion ever since.
Awards – Business:
• President’s Club Awards – _multiple years
• 2013 Hungate Business Services was named a finalist for the Tayloe Murphy Resilience Award sponsored by the University of Virginia.
Awards – Personal:
• 1972 – _Big-8 All-Conference 2nd baseman
• Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary)