David Ruiz
David Ruiz was one of the original member of Los Changuitos Feos de Tucson from 1964-1969
and played trumpet. He graduated from Tucson High School in 1969 then graduated from Stanford in 1973 with a degree in BS/Biological Sciences. He then attended the University of Washington of Medicine and graduated in 1977, MD and entered the Family Medicine Residency program at the University of Washington School of Medicine/Family Medicine Spokane 1977-1980 and became Board Certified in Family Medicine.
- Full scope Family Medicine including Hospital Care and Maternity Care 1980-1994, Family Physicians Group, Vancouver, Washington.
- Residency P Program Director, Family Medicine of Southwest Washington/ University of Washington School of Medicine Family Medicine Residency, 1994-Present
- System Clinical Director of Patient and Provider Experience, PeaceHealth Medical Group/ PeaceHealth Health System, March 2020-Present
A list of awards and Achievements:
- Full Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine
- Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Oregon Health and Sciences University
- Clinical Faculty, Washington State University Elson S Floyd College of Medicine
- Clinical Faculty, Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine
- National Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors, Gold Level Recognition Award of Distinction for leadership, academic achievement legislative advocacy, and community engagement, 2016
- Portland Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Bravo Award for Latino Health, presented for professional excellence and commitment to the advancement the Latino community in Oregon and Southwest Washington
- Health Consultant to the Southwest Chapter of LULAC during the COVID Pandemic
- Southwest Washington chapter of LULAC
Married 44 years (to the same spouse-Midge), 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and still playing music (small group jazz-Trumpet and Flugelhorn).